Yoga at Raga Svara

Yoga at Raga Svara

Yoga awakens our inner light while also calming our hyperactive thoughts. It's a mix of energy and tranquility; you'll feel the heat and find your bliss. Yoga at Raga Svara is an opportunity to engage in authentic practises under the expert guidance of our knowledgeable Yoga Guru.

At Raga Svara, the ultimate essence of yoga is the journey to find our own way back to harmony, peace, and compassion. We offer a balanced yoga practice that combines Asanas (Hatha Yoga postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Shatkarmas (cleaning practices), and Dhyana (Meditation). Yoga and meditation at Raga Svara is an experience that brings our guests peace and health. Far away from the commotion and noise of the outside world, Raga campus provides spaces with such meaningful experiences.