Yoga Philosophy with Raga Mārga

Yoga Philosophy with Raga Mārga

At Raga, we are very serious about Ayurveda, Yoga and associated scholarship. Over the past two years, I have been deeply interested in Indian philosophy in general, but particularly Yoga and Sāmkhya schools of thought. As I started practising some part of Ashtanga Yoga (with very little to no focus on Āsanas), I realised how deep and wide Yoga philosophy is and how utterly, hopelessly shallow our understanding of Yoga is, having relegated it to merely a physical exercise of sorts. What a tragedy. In developing a systematic approach to yoga scholarship, we started Raga Mārga, where we discuss Indian philosophy. Our small attempt for understanding our heritage, our darshan systems, decolonisation, and our entry in to the subaltern.

We are presently reading Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, an absolutely central text for any yoga studies. It is dense, convoluted and the metaphysics are truly inspiring.

We are trying to see how we can invite non-Raga folks to join Mārga.

~ Mohit Khodidas