Yoga Sutras - 2nd Sutra

Yoga Sutras - 2nd Sutra

by Mohit Khodidas

Continuing my mediations on the sutra. Let us look at the 2ns Sutra:

योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥ १.२॥
yogaścittavṛttinirodhaḥ ॥ 1.2॥
Yoga is the stilling of the changing states of the mind.

Controlling the fluctuations - vṛtti - of the citta, the mind. Later, we will discuss all the givens in this sutra. What is this fluctuation or this vṛtti, what is citta? What is means to control the fluctuations?
Presently, it is stated that this cessation of the fluctuations is what is known as yoga. This state of cessation.

Yoga is coupled and is perhaps a derivation from Sāṇkhya, one of the other six school of orthodox Indian philosophical systems.

According to Patañjali’s defnition in this sūtra, yoga is the cessation (nirodha) of the permutations or activities (vṛttis) of the citta. In order to define citta, perhaps the most important entity in yoga practice, one must become familiar with ultimate reality as elaborated upon in the Sāṅkhya (literally, numeration) system. As we know, in Sāṅkhya, ultimate reality is perceived as the product of two distinct ontological categories: prakṛti, or the primordial material matrix of the physical universe, and puruṣa, pure awareness, the innermost conscious self or soul

As one reads the Sutra, it becomes clear that the commentaries are much more detailed in the metaphysics. Patajali's sutras themselves do not give much detail or background. One way of reading would be to focus solely on the sutras without the commentaries. Of course, commentaries give an additional depth, particularly from the Sāṇkhya thought. But if one hasn't read, Sāṇkhya, which I haven't yet, the sutras can be read in itself, almost as a command from above.